Obama is known to the public as being a supporter for stricter gun laws as well as being a supporter to stop U.S. citizen from owning fire arms for personal protection. It is no surprise to hear about anti gun supporters trying to link the violent drug war in Mexico to the lack of reinstating a ban on U.S. citizen from owning assault riffles. Obama recently stated to Mexico’s president that he is backing away from his pledge to reinstate the 1994 ban on assault guns, but he will make all efforts to stop the flow of guns across boards. This was an obvious political move by Mr. Obama in an effort to save his political career. Since it is so early in his 4 year term and the subject has already been brought up on several occasions, this will not be the last attempt to gain more support for tighter gun control in the U.S. in order to pass his legislation.
The link between the U.S. gun laws and the exportation of U.S. guns is a real issue. Recently the owner of a gun shop called X Caliber Guns in Phoenix Arizona was arrested along with 2 others, for knowingly selling guns to the drug cartel and money laundering scheme, according to the New York Times and A.T.F. Current U.S. law does not require reporting the sell of assault riffles to the government. This makes it an easy target for the drug cartel to illegally obtain assault riffles through citizen with a clean criminal record, that’s until that person gets caught such as Mr. George Iknadosian, the owner of X Caliber Guns.
I do not agree with renewing the US ban on assault riffles on US citizens, but I do agree with the NRA in having a stricter gun law in regards to smuggling and the punishment for the crime to be stiffer. Since the weapons were smuggled across the boarder in support of a violent drug related purpose, the offender should be tried as an international criminal and should be treated as a member of the cartel. A jail sentence of any number of years does not seem to be enough to get the point across that this crime is not tolerated in the US. International crimes should apply which is equivalent to treason, large scale drug trafficking, black marketing, and aggravated kidnapping which all are occurring with the support of those who smuggle weaponry to the drug cartel. These crimes should be punishable by the death penalty. There should be no leniency in this matter since it pertains to not only US national security but to international security between boarders. Our government needs to be stern and just to those who violate such high crimes on humanity. The solution is not to ban US citizen from owning assault riffle but to punish those to partake in trafficking guns that were in their possession.
Switzerland is a great example of a country that has proven that gun control laws and ownership of riffles are not the main source to crimes. In Switzerland, there are over 2 million personally owned weapons which the government also supports even woman ownership, as a means of national security protection. It gives all its citizens the responsibility to protect their own country. The idea is pretty vague to see happen in other countries due to the fact that all Swiss men have to serve in the military and after being discharge to continue periodic training. Switzerland also has very harsh punishments for those who use a gun in the act of violence.
The best method to resolving the issues in Mexico is not only removing corrupted officials, but to have harsher punishments to those who use weapons in the act of violence. In the US, our government should have harsher punishments as well, for those who support an international crime and any gun related crimes. Also our government should start requiring a sales report of riffles as a temporary solution. To try and place a ban on US citizen from owning an assault riffle, in response to the violence in Mexico, is an unjust cause and I strong disapprove of this action.
Referenced Links
Newsmax.com report on Obama’s administration to reinstate 1994 US Band on Assault riffles.
BBC report on Switzerland low gun related crimes.
Foxnews.com report on Obama’s recent talk with Mexican Government in regards to the drug cartel.
NRA report on Anti gun laws and Governments attempt to blame US citizens for Mexico drug violence.
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